Monday, March 16, 2015

Geriatric Website

Very surprisingly, there are alot of websites that are very old, looking like they were written in before 2005. 10 years later, we have moved beyond box-like, gif animated websites.

Having a website these days allows us so much more. for a start, the percentage of views via a pc, is dwindling. There are so many devices available and often we have multiples of them. 

Think about it !!!... You have a work computer, one at home, and no doubt a laptop. you might even have a tablet. Most certainly, you have a mobile phone. Even if you don't have all of these devices, you would probably find them all within your home family. Even most of our cars are connected these days!

We use all of these devices to connect to the internet via various programs and apps. Our lives are so integrated with the internet, that we can barely function without connectivity. This is typically a problem in South Africa, during our power outages. People are now using mobile to access the internet more than they are using desktop computers.

Not only are we connected locally. Our personal boundaries now cross continents. Facebook, Twitter, Skype, email, and a hundred other tools have made it easy to have friends globally, and to be in daily contact. This extends to business as well. It is common to have meetings spanning many countries via camera, with people interacting in real-time.

Coming back to the websites of old.... the technology is available and mostly free for all websites to be world class. 
What is a world class website? It meets standards that we have all become used to. It needs to be available on all devices, easily found and accessible, aesthetically pleasing, functional and relevantly informative. It should also offer ways to contact you.

A geriatric website will meet very few of the above criteria. 

Put yourself in your viewer's shoes. If your website cannot be found or is too slow, the viewer will move on, knowing that there are many more options available. If it doe not meet the basic requirements, it is equivalent to having a great shop, locking the doors, and staring at the clients through the glass, wondering why the won't enter. They really do want to, but end up getting so frustrated that they will go elsewhere.

Be kind to yourself and your client/customer/viewer. Allow them and yourself to interact. 

Google encourages and rewards interaction. If you have the big guys on your side, they will help you to get noticed. If you don't work with them, you will be ignored, and left by the wayside.

Your market is no longer limited to your local community. It is now global.

Are you ready for it?

By Carl Krimchanski (

Friday, June 20, 2014

About Us

Helping businesses grow cost effectively with the optimal resources.

Quality: I pride myself on the quality of my work. I will never compromise quality for price ie: I will never give you an offering that looks 'cheap' and unprofessional.

Price: You can be rest assured that there will never be any hidden costs whatsoever - I always tell you upfront what's the cost going to be, before I embark on any projects. My mission is to always provide a service that is cost effective for everyone.

Customer Service & Support: My customer service does not end once the job is complete, in fact my ongoing service and support continues long after the project is complete. I also offer a 24 hour telephone support, should you have any queries.

Transparency: I always play "open cards."  I believe in managing your expectations across the entire project - producing honest results, easy to understand reporting and if need be educating you on the digital ecosystem.

Return on Investment (ROI): All my services drives consumer behaviour, thus optimising your ROI.

Knowledge, Skills & Experience:
We have 14 years experience in web designing and development, and about 16 years experience in programming.

You may view my profile here: 

Click here to contact me today !!

Why you need a website

Why you need a website

If you get it right, your website will be the best tool you have for promoting your business. Your website will essentially become an online shop-window, accessible to customers all over the world, which means the better it looks and more and up-to-date it is, the better impression it will make on consumers.
Whether it's three o'clock in the morning or Christmas day, the internet never closes - which means your business is open all the time, without any extra effort from you. If you choose to have an online store, your customers will be able to dictate when they want to buy, rather than limiting themselves to your opening times.
If you are locally based, having a web presence will open your business up to new markets outside your local area, giving people from across the world the chance to browse your products or services.
A well-designed website will make your business appear more professional. In fact, a well-considered website can fool customers into thinking your business is larger than it is and could even level the playing-field between your business and its more established competitors.
If you're starting a business on a shoestring, the costs of putting together a website will be cheaper than buying or renting premises, and could attract business from further afield than a high-street based business would.
Feedback is often a difficult thing to attain and more often than not, feedback on your business will be limited to the negative. The internet allows you to enter into a dialogue with your customers, though: use surveys, questionnaires and feedback forms on your website to do market research and find out exactly what your customers' expectations are.

Click here to contact me today !!

What is SEO

Don't know what search engine optimization is? 
Know someone who needs easy to understand overview of SEO? 

Watch this video

What good is a website if it cant be found in search engines?

Ask us how we can help. 
Call us on 073 587 6870 to set up an obligation free info session.

Many proprietors make the mistake of thinking that because they are not selling online they don’t really need to establish a website. Whether or not you intend to do business online is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that exposure (advertising) is the key to success and you have no greater tool at your disposal than the World Wide Web to get your name out there in lights.

Click here to contact me today !!